Short one. Do the simple things simply. Then you’ll do them well. And something done well, however little, trivial, apparently inconsequential, is an achievement in itself. It also sets the standard by which you’ll do the next thing. Thinking about WHY you’re doing it can be the greatest spur to action, any action, and just as significantly, the quality of that action. Now, go back to Wednesday’s and Friday’s mail, look at (1) what the important things are in your life, (2) why they’re important to you. Then let them establish, settle, and be the foundation for your actions. Next mail will show you how to implement this mighty force. 8/7/15 Being Perfect “Make sure it’s absolutely perfect”, he said, giving me one of the most dangerous pieces of advice I’ve ever had. And if you’re lucky, and the time is right, and the wind’s in your back, and whatever Gods you know are smiling on you, you may, just may, hit a perfect patch. Or you may not. If you do perform perfectly, that’s wonderful. If you don’t, but you perform to the best of your ability, and it’s a competent performance, with maybe a couple of high spots, and no disastrous bloomers, you’re doing well. Sometimes people are reluctant to start something because somewhere along the line, they’ve been led to believe that perfection is the only acceptable standard. It’s a nice ideal, And it’s good to inform the preparation, set a standard, have the desire to be perfect. But don’t let it prevent you from getting started in the game, on the pitch, behind the desk, at the typewriter, or up with the microphone. Because if you wait to be perfect, you may never get round to doing it. And someone who wasn’t too fussed about being perfect, but was pretty good at it too, got started, and because you and the others who were waiting till you were perfect, the person who was pretty good cleaned the board. Because he got started. So, keep in mind that while perfection is a great aspiration, the imperfection that goes into the game, will trounce the one that never turned up, because it wasn’t considered to be perfect. So, try to have a good day, and it may, just may, turn out to be perfect. 10/7/15 May the Force Be With You. Most of us have forgotten about it. Some of us never knew we had it. And it’s only when a crisis arises, a problem emerges, a difficulty faces us, we revert to it. It has a power in our lives that has to be experienced to understand. And we’ve forgotten it. It got lost somewhere along the way. We got mesmerised by the grind of chores, procedures, lists, the myriad of routine distractions that assail us every day. Sometimes we were able to define it, give it a name and identify with it. At other times, we know it’s there, but we don’t see it, or know why we’re experiencing it. It became not just something we did, or do, but who we are. It was a guiding light in our lives, a beacon, an undercurrent force, a foundation for every perception, decision and action taken. And it gave a sense of worth, value, meaning, to life. It was the source of power in lives, and minds and hearts. People have been inspired by it, driven by it, empowered by it. And yet, somewhere, somewhere on the paths we’ve chosen, it got lost, dropped, mislaid, fell into disuse. But every now and again it surfaces, ignites our lives, brings energy, vitality, will, determination, into everything we say, do or think. Few speak about it. Many think of it as a kind of woolly, indefinable, ethereal state or condition, something for the robes and sandal brigade, those with nothing better to do with their brains or time. But it’s a power that has changed lives, created achievement, started wars, made lives, destroyed lives, burned boats, pushed horizons, crossed oceans, opened skies; it’s the one thing that can mean everything to all. And it’s available to anyone, anywhere, at any time, at any age. It’s free to choose, but may bring a price of it’s own when you take it. But that can be your decision then. It’s your own sense of Personal Purpose. Find your purpose. And may the force be with you.
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